Archive of Interviews with Skeet Ulrich & Betsy Russell on “The Jimmy Star Show” | September 9, 2015 | @JimmyStarShow @DrJimmyStar

Archive of Interviews with Skeet Ulrich & Betsy Russell on “The Jimmy Star Show” | September 9, 2015 ________________ share this page: [cherry_sharing networks=”facebook,twitter,googleplus,pinterest,linkedin,tumblr,stumbleupon,reddit”] Find “The Jimmy Star Show” with Ron Russell on the sites below: [cherry_button text=”” url=”” style=”default” size=”extra-small” centered=”no”

Archive of Interviews with Skeet Ulrich & Betsy Russell on “The Jimmy Star Show” | September 9, 2015 | @JimmyStarShow @DrJimmyStar
Archive of Interviews with Skeet Ulrich & Betsy Russell on “The Jimmy Star Show” | September 9, 2015 | @JimmyStarShow @DrJimmyStar
Do Ya Wanna Be A Star?! The new segment on The #JimmyStarShow !!! | #tv #show @JimmyStarShow cc @DrJimmyStar
Do Ya Wanna Be A Star?! The new segment on The #JimmyStarShow !!! | #tv #show @JimmyStarShow cc @DrJimmyStar
Archive of Interviews | Mark Patton & Steve Coulter April 12, 2015 | @JimmyStarShow @DrJimmyStar
Archive of Interviews | Mark Patton & Steve Coulter April 12, 2015 | @JimmyStarShow @DrJimmyStar

Jimmy Star is asked..If you could go back in time what would you tell your younger self?

[cherry_sharing networks=”facebook,twitter,googleplus,pinterest,linkedin,tumblr,stumbleupon,reddit”] Q: If you could go back in time what would you tell your younger self? Jimmy Star: Try harder. Don’t give up. Negotiate more. Don’t be afraid to start new things. Don’t waste time by starting a new thing when

Jimmy Star is asked..If you could go back in time what would you tell your younger self?
Jimmy Star is asked..If you could go back in time what would you tell your younger self?