Amy Robach & TJ Holmes’ Exes Andrew Shue & Marilee Fiebig Posted Pics Together Years Ago! LOOK!

Amy Robach & TJ Holmes’ Exes Andrew Shue & Marilee Fiebig Posted Pics Together Years Ago! LOOK!

We imagine by now you’ve heard the wild news that Amy Robach and TJ Holmes‘ exes are dating! That’s right, the first thing the former GMA hosts produced after their office romance was discovered wasn’t a new show on NewsNation — it was what seemed like a spite couple! LOLz! It’s the type of couple juggling you’d expect from Melrose Place!

But Andrew Shue and Marilee Fiebig didn’t have to go track one another down. They were already friends. Yeah, if you didn’t follow Amy and TJ’s story too closely… they weren’t just co-workers, they hung out outside the job! And they brought their spouses along! We’ve heard the couples went on some double dates and enjoyed the occasional dinner together. Little did poor Andrew and Marilee know their S.O.s were about to get SO close!

Related: Amy Thought TJ Killed Himself After Their Affair Was Revealed

Now that the pairing is out there, folks are rediscovering the evidence of how long they’ve been friends, thanks to Marilee’s Instagram. Going back a full SEVEN YEARS, you can see the future spurned-exes-turned-lovers taking an innocent selfie at a work event! Marilee wrote:

“Loved hanging out with our GMA family, especially @ajrobach and her hubby, @7_a_e_s_7, who we don’t get to see nearly enough. #andrewshue”

Andrew Shue and Marilee Fiebig in 2016
(c) Marilee Fiebig/Instagram

Hilariously, Amy herself commented on this one, writing:

Amy Robach comment Marilee Fiebig instagram
(c) Instagram

And six months later, they shared this pic with another familiar face from morning TV — Michael Strahan! Marilee wrote:

“Some Fridays are better than others… #fridaynight #friends #gmafamily”

Andrew Shue and Marilee Fiebig in 2017
(c) Marilee Fiebig/Instagram

Folks are rediscovering the pics now. Some are even hinting there was something going on between them years back — but let’s not forget they’re the alleged victims here. If the rumors of the months of cheating are true, they’re just halves of a double date that got betrayed — and are making the most of it. If they can find some solace together, isn’t that OK?

What do YOU think about this coupling, Perezcious readers? Let us know in the comments!

[Image via GMA/YouTube/Marilee Fiebig/Instagram.]

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