Steve Hamm “Rising Star” by Eileen Shapiro

Steve Hamm “Rising Star” by Eileen Shapiro

Just dubbed Rising Star 2021 by The Hollywood Digest, Steve Hamm has a had a stellar year working at his craft in between his helicopter piloting and his voice over career. Hamm has a promising future in the entertainment industry and I’d predicted to have elevated success in 2021.

I exchanged some intimate questions with him regarding some of personal likes and opinions…..

What is the most trouble that you’ve ever gotten yourself into?


When I was a Private in the Army, I failed to keep my personal weapon secured during a training exercise. It was eventually returned at the end of the day. My punishment was a one weeklong “extra duty” detail which include lots of cleaning and other miscellaneous jobs. Learned my lesson.

The military taught me a lot about discipline and accountability. I am incredibly careful about taking care of important items and situations.

Is there a song or movie that causes you to be emotional every-time you hear or see it?


Song: Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless The USA”

Movie: Adrift

This was a really good romantic movie with a twist at the end.

Favorite food, color, music artist, memory?


Favorite food: Lasagna

Favorite color: Metallic Grey

Favorite music artists: Metallica, Volbeat, Disturbed, Godsmack

Favorite memory: Officially retiring from the Army after 23 ½ years

Tell one thing about yourself that no one else knows?


Even though I’m a pilot, I’m still afraid of heights. A lot of people give me a strange look when I say that. Lol. I try to explain that in a helicopter, I’m strapped in an enclosed structure. I am the one in control of what it does. Roller coasters give me the jitters, but I’m fine after the first big drop.

The scariest thing I’ve done though is going skydiving. My wife surprised me with it during one of our vacations. The hardest part was climbing out of the plane and stepping onto the wing. Once you jump though, it’s completely exhilarating!!

What historical figure do you admire the most and why?


President George W. Bush

He had to handle the most difficult situation-911- that this country has ever dealt with. He displayed leadership and inspiration to keep American hopes high and vowed to provide swift action to hold those responsible-accountable.

Who gave you the best advice you ever received and of course what was it?

One of my former military commanders, while deployed to Afghanistan, gave me the best life advice. He said “Amateurs do it until they get it right. Professionals do it until they can’t get it wrong.”

Find a job/career that you like and dedicate yourself to do it the best that you can.

What would you like your living legacy to be?


I would hope that people think of me as a consummate professional who had a genuine desire to support and encourage others to do their best

Steve Hamm Official Website



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