Aviva Reimer: Changing the World, One Book At A Time by “Becoming the Total Package” by Eileen Shapiro

Aviva Reimer: Changing the World, One Book At A Time by “Becoming the Total Package” by Eileen Shapiro

In celebration of author, physical trainer, life coach, and relationship expert, Aviva Reimer’s life altering book, “Becoming the Total Package” recently released and already on its way to becoming a best seller, she is giving the world a chance to pick up a copy for only 99 cents for an October 1, 2019 delivery date. This is an awesome price to pay for a world class manuscript that is sure to impact your life in the most positive way. Reimer hopes to have the words of her pen spread like wildfire because she really desires to help people have a better existence. 

Reimer has put her heart and her years of knowledge into the words on the pages of “Becoming the Total Package.” She has truly become an expert in many fields through research, her own life experiences, and those of others. There are just some people out there that have a good heart, that genuinely care about others, Aviva is one of those people. She’s genuine! She is happy to help people, and seeing someone succeed enriches her own life. Aviva Reimer is the real deal!

Aviva’s positive energy is a joy to experience. Her mission is to make life more peaceful, beautiful and meaningful. She is a certified matchmaker and a leading expert on relationships. She is the co-founder of “Perfect Fit”, a Toronto-based consulting company and dating service dedicated to helping a person become, “The Total Package.”

It seems very important to you to get the words in your book out there, why is there that passionate urgency?

I was on the phone with my bestie last night, the one I dedicated the book to. I said, ” I’m so tired of talking about what I do, why I do it, why I wrote the book.” I want to give people value. I want to give them knowledge, I want to give them solutions, I want to help them solve their issues. There are so many juicy topics you can really sort of push a button with. There are so many things that people can get engagement with. I want to create such a buzz. For example the person that helps me with my Instagram used a template of some sort. It was so generic. I thought, no, no, no…I need to give people value. People need to have knowledge so they can apply it to life and make a difference. So, I sent her questions to transcribe for instance, ” Do you really get hooked into the physicality or do you really try to push yourself to see past that and apply that to character and value. What’s more important to you?” Then suddenly I saw all of this engagement which was my dream. People have lots to say.

Asking a question is the best way to get people engaged and to get them to know you better.

Yes, especially when you have a topic that is juicy such as relationships, and what’s going on between people. It’s “The” gossip or the subject of everyday for 80 percent of people. It doesn’t matter where you go, or who you see sitting on a bench,…. sometimes I even try to easedrop to see what people are talking about just as a way to research the subjects people are talking about in everyday life. What’s working and what’s not working. What they are going through, and what’s happening with their boyfriend or husband or their significant other.


I swear, 98.9 percent talk about relationships.

That’s what makes the world go round, relationships.

Absolutely. That’s really what it’s all about. 

There are so many facets to your book and it covers so many topics.

How do you express yourself? Think before you speak. How do you act when you’re into someone versus he’s not into you? There are so many things to talk about. 

You are offering  people the chance to purchase your book for 99 cents?

Yes, now there is a link to purchase “Becoming the Total Package” for only $.99. I have designed this book to help people to make sure they are always energized, respected, and most importantly loved by those around you. I teach people how to prequalify their potential partner for dating and immediately establish which qualities you want in a person, along with  the complex dos and don’ts on dating more efficiently and happily. After this initial opportunity to purchase my book at $.99, it will become available at full price. I am very grateful for the people in my life and I’m blown away by everyone’s support thus far. 

Why are you allowing people to buy the book at $.99?

My goal is to get this book into as many hands as possible,  because it’s actually going to make the world a better place. I’d like to try and change the world one book at a time. 

For a limited time, pre-order a copy of “Becoming The Total Package” on Amazon for only .99 cents USD. Order your copy of this amazing book today before it reverts to it’s original price: 

Follow Aviva Reimer on the Web:

Website https://www.AvivaReimer.com

Twitter @AvivaReimer

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