Introducing Kevin Gant ( @GantMan ) | Songwriter, Poet, Guitar Innovator, Musician, Performer, & Human. Page Authorized by Kevin Gant.| @JimmyStarShow @DrJimmyStar

Introducing Kevin Gant ( @GantMan ) | Songwriter, Poet, Guitar Innovator, Musician, Performer, & Human. Page Authorized by Kevin Gant.| @JimmyStarShow @DrJimmyStar

Introducing Kevin Gant ( @GantMan ) | Songwriter, Poet, Guitar Innovator, Musician, Performer, & Human.
This page was Authorized by Kevin Gant. All proceeds from this page go directly to Kevin. Uncommissioned Music Sales Sponsored by

Kevin Gant | “Look and Sense of Claire” from

Kevin Gant | Live at Purple Bee | “Limestone”

Kevin Gant at Strange Brew, Austin, Tx. August 9, 2013 via roio420 on YouTube

Trailer for the Movie “Kevin” a Film by Jay Duplass. 2011 | This film is about Kevin Gant. It’s a really good film. Watch it if you like art & artists. (It’s masterful, and we don’t want to pitch you…)

Kevin Gant | “There Will Be No Race War”

Early Live Concert, “KEVIN GANT on CapZeyeZ April 21, 1992” by Kevin Gant @GantMan via roio420 on YouTube

Please click on the arrows to the left & right of thumbnails below to see all the albums & songs…

Kevin Gant | “Say No 2 WW3”

Kevin Gant | “Beautiful Vibrations”

Kevin Gant | YouTube Page

Kevin Gant ( @GantMan ) | Twitter Page

Kevin Gant | Facebook Page

Kevin Gant | CD Baby Artist Page

Kevin Gant | Album | “The Original Meditator” | Free Preview on All Tracks

Kevin Gant | Album | “The Capacitor” | Free Preview on All Tracks

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