#jimmystarshow #Guest American High To Guest On The Jimmy Star Show With Ron Russell Wednesday August 23rd, 2017

#jimmystarshow #Guest American High To Guest On The Jimmy Star Show With Ron Russell Wednesday August 23rd, 2017

American High will be a featured guest on The Jimmy Star Show live radio/tv show hosted by King of Cool Jimmy Star along with Cool Man About Town Ron Russell to discuss their new album “Bones in the Attic, Flowers in the Basement”, their career and the entertainment industries at large, as well as revealing their real identities as no one actually knows who they are. The Jimmy Star Show is tv/radio’s coolest hit show, featuring the coolest in music, entertainment, fashion and pop culture, all from a fun industry insider perspective in a completely live, unedited fast-paced two-hour conversational format.

American High are a punk and 60’s influenced indie/alternative rock quartet from Sacramento, California. They play ‘catchy tunes with dark themes’. “Bones in the Attic, Flowers in the Basement”, is their debut full-length.

Their sound and lyrics have an optimistic perspective on the personal, the social and the political.

“This is an anti-war record. Songs like SEPTEMBER and I CAN’T CHANGE are our attempts to put a human face on the costs of trying to force the world to do what we want them to do. We think everyone should concentrate on minding our own business rather than point guns at each other and demand obedience.”

“We’re 4 guys who love rock and roll and love songs and songwriting. We pay respect to brilliant artists that have gone before. But in our own way. Our songs are influenced by whatever bubbles up from the subconscious. We give equal weight to all ideas/hooks/harmonies, regardless of which decade they harken to.”

“We think songs are more interesting when they can be seen in different ways. We shun the tired INTRO-CHORUS-INTRO-CHORUS-LEAD-CHORUS-EXIT blueprint. We prefer freeform songs. We tried to make each song completely unique. With a totally different sound for each. Weird chords with weird changes, weird blueprints, weird harmonies and backwards leads. Happy singers singing dark songs of love lost, the costs of constant war, and a scream into the night. WAKE UP!”

Stream and share the full album:


The Jimmy Star Show with Ron Russell is pleased to showcase the expertise and talent of American High and all anticipate a fun and informative time talking with them about their career and the entertainment industries at large. We cannot wait to find out who they actually are. Join King of Cool Jimmy Star, and Cool Man about Town Ron Russell as they have a playful and sometimes wild time with the talented featured guest!

To hear/watch American High live on The Jimmy Star Show tune in to W4CY Radio on Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 from 3-5 pm ET and 12-2 pm PT online at www.w4cy.com from anywhere in the world!

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