Kylie Minogue: The “Golden” Impossible Princess Does New York Pride By Eileen Shapiro

Kylie Minogue: The “Golden” Impossible Princess Does New York Pride By Eileen Shapiro

One of the most vibrant, effervescent and demanded female vocalists on the planet, Kylie Minogue will be headlining New York Pride this year coming shortly after the release of her newest album, “Golden” via BMG Records. Tickets for the event sold out in record time, as well as her show at “The Bowery Ballroom” the following day, ( tickets were totally sold out within ten minutes).

New York City is completely exhilarated at the Australian born singer and actress’s arrival, Her career begin with her role as Charlene Robinson on the ever popular Australian soap, “Neighbours”. “The Princess of Pop”, as she is often recognized, has become the highest-selling Australian artist of all times according to the Australian Recording Industry Association.

Kylie’s signature single became “Can’t Get You Out of My Head”, and was named “catchiest song ever” by Yahoo! Music. However she has also celebrated great success with tracks such as: “The Loco-Motion”, “I Should Be So Lucky”, “Love at First Sight”, “Especially For You”, “Better The Devil You Know”, “2 Hearts” and “All the Lovers”.

Her new release “Golden” is a Nashville flavored, story-telling, musical extravaganza, and something very different for the usually dance oriented, pop Goddess, and she wears it very well. Filled with sparkly glittered guitars and salacious costumes, the videos that accompany the new album are also fabulous…..

I was fortunate enough to be able to speak with Kylie about the album and her upcoming Pride concert. She was vivaciously candid, and a lot of fun….

I am in love with your new album, “Golden”, and I particularly love the sparkling guitar in the “Dancing” video..

Thank you so much. When we shot that video I had to masquerade as an actual guitarist. I don’t play guitar. I tried to wear a lot of sparkle and dazzle so no one would really notice my foe guitar playing.

Well you certainly fooled me.

Thank you.

HyperFocal: 0

What made you decide to go with a country and western flavor on this release?

It was a suggestion from my A&R at my label. He was a guy I’ve previously worked with, and we go back a long way. Actually I’ve had a lot of success in the past so any advice from him I listen to. We started in the studio in 2017, and he suggested a country element or an influence. I immediately said sure because I love to try new things and because I trust him, but I didn’t know what he meant. To try and cut a long story short, I asked the producers if they knew what he means and they said not really so let’s write a song. So we just kind of did more of the type of music that people would’ve expected without any country influence. Then the suggestion was to go to Nashville, which made it all make sense. I now understand how right he was, how it really made the project fresh for me. I mean it’s not a new genre, pop would’ve been country or country would’ve been pop depending on the proportions, but it was new and fresh for me. I think it allowed me to focus more on melody and storytelling.

It is very different than anything I’ve heard you do, and I kind of really like it. I feel like country is big in the U.K. now.

Well I’m learning that it’s big everywhere to a certain group of people. If you love it, which seems to be that people love it, they love it passionately. But now that I’ve had that experience at writing songs like that and delivering songs like that vocally and lyrically, I can hear something that might not be labeled as not having country influence, but I think I did a good one. I’m not sure where I will go next but I certainly won’t forget the lesson that I’ve learned making that one.

So you’re doing New York Pride which is a really if deal….

Yeah, and it’s becoming more and more real. I’ve not done it before so it’s going to be a double whammy. It’s my first time experiencing pride and I’m performing at pride. I imagine I’m going to be pretty overwhelmed, very excited, a tad nervous…and I’m looking forward to a huge audience.

The show was already sold out, and that usually doesn’t happen as fast as it did.


Yes really…so no pressure …

Oh wow! Oh ok….

Then you are following Pride with a performance the night after at the Bowery Ballroom.

We manage to kind of hustle that at the last minute. So for pride we will be in the time that I’ve been given, trying to put in some of the new stuff, and obviously the known stuff in and as much as we can within a half hour. Then the next night is a show pretty much like the one we did in Europe when we launched it. It’s like an album showcase with a couple little surprises. And I think that one has sold out as well.

It sold out within ten minutes.

It’s a small audience , totally intimate, and it’s just a lot of fun for me to go from one extreme to the other.

There will be thousands at Pride.

I looked at some examples online, and it looked pretty amazing seeing the skyline, and the lights from all the buildings. It looks like it’s going to be a sensation. I can’t wait.

Twitter @kylieminogue

(c) Darenote Ltd. 2018
Photography by Simon Emmett

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