“The Flow And The Wake” by Brian Stormm.
Review by Stefan Daniel Bell
Brian Stormm’s new album would be the perfect opening act for Depeche Mode, New Order, or Pet Shop Boys.
Get ready to Funk. Bass. Wall thumping, glass shaking bass, keyboards firmly in the new wave and electronica traditions from the 70’s to now.
Brian Stormm is not for beginners. Brian’s music is made to make you want to dance. When pro dancers finish off their week, they dance to Brian’s grooves. Elegant & precise engineering allows you to listen at home, or mix this in for joyous dancing. Technically, this album is in the electronica genre, specifically the executive club scene. And this album is also more…
“The Flow And The Wake” by Brian Stormm is a milestone album with musical references to Brian’s childhood, sounds from modern life, funk, disco, new wave, the roots in his work, life, compositional process, samples from the musicians that influence him; the collective songs from his heart. The writing, arranging, and playing by Brian Stormm pull the songs toward compositions, while staying firmly in the power pop electronica genre.
You could say Brian Stormm is on fire, literally; while writing, playing, recording, engineering, and mastering this album, Brian was receiving radiation and chemo therapy for three types of stage four cancer. He’s not out of the woods. He is still writing, we are still fighting to keep him on the planet.
The Brand New Dance Part V by Brian Stormm.
The Brand New Dance Part V by Brian Stormm. Jazz piano, custom, varied club beat, danceable, and fun to listen to, all at once. Brian Stormm is innovating and producing cutting edge electronica crafted for big speakers. The orchestra samples, and rapper samples with the wonderful piano composed and played by Brian Stormm creates a sense of suspense about this brand new dance, Brian’s #Stormm
Stayed in Bed All Morning by Brian Stormm.
Stayed in Bed All Morning by Brian Stormm takes a sample from a sad song by Carole King everyone knows and recreates, within the law for sampling, and adds to tradition of music by taking a line that could have been a hook, and making it the new focus of a happier song. Brian flips the script with horn parts written, arranged, and played by him, keyboards that harken to classical composers all standing out in front of a a rhythm section designed to knock glasses off the edge of bars.
My Daddy Called Me Princess by Brian Stormm.
My Daddy Called Me Princess by Brian Stormm. Heartbreaking and hopeful keyboard moments written, arranged, and played by Brian Stormm on My Daddy Called Me Princess will grab you from the first beats. This song is already being emulated by major radio DJ’s in the LA area, thought by many insiders to be the first hit on The Flow And The Wake. The drums, keyboard parts in the background, and solid wall rocking bass feel like a time we forgot, somewhere in our distant past, or a few texts ago.
Back of the Church by Brian Stormm.
Back of the Church by Brian Stormm is going to lift people out of their seats before they know it. Beat perfect groove with space to dance. Funk, bass, guitar samples that are perfectly blended, sound sweetening, percussion, and details that few take the time to do, with a 70’s TV, disco groove. With Brian Stormm writing, arranging, and playing the keyboards, leading up to a tempo change and keyboard solo through the bridge, this song will stun you. Brian Stormm’s keyboards are the connection through all the tracks.
Seeker by Brian Stormm.
Seeker by Brian Stormm: Pounding 80’s club keyboards, solid syncopated beats, & perfect engineering rip into the speakers as Chris Issak’s and Brian Stormm play our hearts right onto the dance floor. The pads are pitch perfect. Hearing the pulse of a DJ that has moved a ceiling makes all the difference. Whether you are mixing this song in for 10,000+, or dancing alone, Brian Stormm is with you.
On the Cover of a Magazine by Brian Stormm.
On the Cover of a Magazine by Brian Stormm is a door humming beat with the perfect samples by Madonna. Beats, bass, engineering, peaked, and mastered syncopation on the pulse. Timeless roof shaking waves of sound without distortion. The gloves are off, and Brian hopes it’s because DJ’s worldwide are about to dance people tired with this beat. Brian Stormm has a kind heart and these beats are ferocious, not designed for beginners. There is always space in Brian’s music to dance. And. The keyboards written, arranged, and played by Brian Stormm take this track, electronica, and craft in 2016 a step past your average band. Depeche Mode, New Order, and the rest of the majors have nothing to worry about. Brian’s keyboards wipe the floor with the rest.
The Flow And The Wake by Brian Stormm.
The Flow And The Wake by Brian Stormm has keyboard solos that are going to make waves on dance floors, and studios world wide. Classic pop percussion, 70’s, 80′, 90’s, disco, club scene grooves, breaking into a syncopated subtle beat that give way to a guitar and bass progressions that make the funnest dance moves possible. This is a piece for the pro dancers on the floor. The keyboards written, arranged, and played by Brian Stormm gradually build the song right to power pop, then veers right at making waves in the electronica world with his sample, really saying something leading up to the solo.
Heartbreaks and Promises by Brian Stormm.
Hustle by Brian Stormm.
Hustle by Brian Stormm. Subtle, bouncing old school intro, leading into future sub woofer beats layered into Afro-Cuban swing layered into the rhythm and the bass. The gradual build shows Brian Stormm’s abilities as a performer, engineer, and producer work alone- then the heartbreaking line from Adele made into a playful tease on the dance floor is nothing short of masterful, touching, and that extra boost needed to get back out on the dance floor at the 3/4 point of the night. You’ll see the pros dancing alone to this on breaks…
I Cry & I Pray by Brian Stormm.
I Cry & I Pray by Brian Stormm. The pacing is emotional, but never too much to slow down the dance floor. There is a point where pop, even power pop like I Cry & I Pray, blends with it’s audience & becomes art that will make pros cry with joy as they dance alone. The keyboards, the sensitivity of Brian Stormm on the intro piano part, the samples, all come together before the perfectly crafted future beat rolls in. Brian proves he can engineer as good as any of the best in the #electronica genre, without showing off.
Groove One by Brian Stormm.
Groove One by Brian Stormm. Funk keyboard with the extra kick of being hand played, in takes. The writing, arranging, and performing of Brian are joyful and resonant, with just the right amount of space. The funk keyboards going into full wall slamming future keyboard bass in the first build are almost a second intro. The masterful variation on the danceable layout gives the pros time to dance & DJ’s have the time to crossover into the next track.
Living in Los Angeles by Brian Stormm.
Living in Los Angeles by Brian Stormm. Funk, experimental, electronica beginning into a Afro-Cuban, Caribbean dance vibe starts this track off into a walking beat. The musical journey is like walking through time, New Wave Sunset, afterhours, drifting right into the engineering of Brian’s samples against subtle & precise syncopation of many instruments. The song sounds like LA: eclectic, different, mysterious.
Cars by Brian Stormm.
Cars by Brian Stormm. The Tracy Chapman sample with Brian’s retake on that moment evoke the late 80’s, the early 90’s, with perfectly engineered bells played lightly by Brian, layered in with etherial vocals. This is an in between snuggle dance song- romantic enough without being to sappy. The bounce & swing to the rhythm arrangement by Brian rounds the track off, standing with any of his best.
Body Rhythm by Brian Stormm.
Body Rhythm by Brian Stormm. Late 80’s & early 90’s keyboards face off against straight ahead early 70’s funk keyboard & bass, leading into 70’s soul horns, skipping the build, and the song blooms like an electronic flower into beat & pitch matched diva samples, with Brian’s keyboard layering everything into a full body rhythm build transitioning into classic club keyboards for the bridge & going back to the beat matched samples, as if it were easy. If it weren’t so fun & danceable, it almost sounds like Brian showing off some of his dance floor tested DJ groove on a larger audience. The perfect sub bass keyboard outro will make DJ’s records flip worldwide.
A Walk Down the Street by Brian Stormm.
A Walk Down the Street by Brian Stormm. Funk fretless bass leads the way, dancing, snapping, then joyful pads process in, & then the drums start… Brian Stormm’s writing, arrangement, & creation of his sound without the keyboard parts holding all his songs together are amazing. His first pass at a song would be enough- that’s not where he stops. Brian then takes his first drafts of a song & plays many, many parts, full length, as takes, into his songs with the skill of a concert pianist. His attack & release are so delicate & precise at times they can almost be missed, his craft is that subtle. You will realize over time when you listen to the songs- hear the key changes, arrangements, & song structures being pushed forward by the keyboards, in many fluid, stylish and distinctly different shifting styles, tempo, speed, in time with every part of the song. There are samples, those are samples, they are full length parts recorded live, over the tracks. In A Walk Down the Street you will hear a power pop electronica keyboard player that could have played with any major symphony. He wrote the song, his name is Brian Stormm.
Authorized Brian Stormm
#video_playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJBSikCHOCxpzer4RRR8sQRJWOWwP9Ol0
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#youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaWZmV_76edfZaqle-czQXg
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#rhapsody: http://www.rhapsody.com/artist/brian-stormm
#soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/brian-stormm
#cdbaby: http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/BrianStormm1
#sonicbids: https://www.sonicbids.com/band/brianstormm
#jango: http://www.jango.com/music/Brian+Stormm
#google+: https://plus.google.com/107548416991868739863/about
#myspace: https://myspace.com/brianstormm/music/songs
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