Belle and Sebastian Cancel 2023 North American Tour Due to Stuart Murdoch’s Health

Belle and Sebastian Cancel 2023 North American Tour Due to Stuart Murdoch’s Health

Hi folks

It’s Stuart from Belle and Sebastian here. We are sorry to have to announce the cancellation of our North American tour for 2023.

As you might be aware my health took a dive around November 2022. While I am hoping that I will improve over the coming months, we felt it would be a safer route to cancel this tour and leave a clear path to recovery, rather than take a risk and have to cancel at the last minute.

We had a great plan in place, to release our second LP in six months and hit America up again! While the record made it out, we’re going to have to wait a bit longer until we can tour it.

We apologise again for the inconvenience we have caused you.

Sincerely yours

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