John Legend Makes a Hard Decision as ‘The Voice’ Battles Rumble On – Billboard

John Legend Makes a Hard Decision as ‘The Voice’ Battles Rumble On – Billboard

There are harmonies, and there’s the Bee Gees’ “How Deep Is Your Love”.

The brothers Gibb put on a masterclass for their Saturday Night Fever ballad, a hit that logged three weeks at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart back in 1977.

The track has lost none of it’s luster, though tackle it at your peril.



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On Tuesday night’s (Oct. 18) episode of The Voice, Parijita Bastola and the Marilynds did just that with a Bee Gees “Battle.”

Coached by John Legend, both acts hit their smooth targets, creating a difficult choice for their mentor.

“I’ve worked with some duos on this show,” says Blake Shelton of Kasey and Lindsay Marilynd, and there’s always one person that’s a little ahead of the other.” Not this time. “It’s just so locked in together.”

Bastola, the 17-year-old Nepalese-American hopeful, impressed the country star with her “unique” and “powerful” voice.

Camila Cabello likened the Marilynds’ harmonies to “dripping a vanilla candle into my ear,” but the teen, with her vocal mastery at such a young age, is at another level. “It seems effortless and you have such a gorgeous voice.”

Legend had a decision to make. The Marilynds, the pop-country duo, both from Maryland, “you all just leaned into those harmonies,” he says. “It was flawless. The quality of your execution today, it was just really, really strong.”

Bastola, however, is a step ahead. “There’s something where you just feel like you’re connected to who you are. And it’s just amazing that that amount of self-awareness, self-knowledge, self-possession is coming from someone so young. And your voice is just phenomenal. It feels so inviting.”

It was a hard decision, so hard that Legend went with Bastola, and used his only “Save” on the Marilynds, keeping them all in the family – and the competition. Everyone wins.

Watch below.

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