#Interview Free Willy “Remember The Alamo” by Rock Star Journalist Eileen Shapiro

Interview: Free Willy   This evening I met a fabulous new artist, and a delightful man as well. W.B. Jones is the brainstorm behind Free Willy, a feel good, drama free, magical, musical combination of 70’s style music, modern alternative bluegrass and

#Interview Free Willy “Remember The Alamo” by Rock Star Journalist Eileen Shapiro
#Interview Free Willy “Remember The Alamo” by Rock Star Journalist Eileen Shapiro

#Contest Win $300 in the Toggo Ultrarock “Cannonball” GiveAway Enter Today

#Giveaway time! #ToggoUltrarock is giving away $300 CASH in the Cannonball $300 Cash Giveaway! Here’s how you enter (all countries are welcome to enter): 1. LIKE the Toggo Ultrarock Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ToggoUltrarock 2. Watch the #Cannonball music video by Toggo Ultrarock: http://cannonballsong.com/

#Contest Win $300 in the Toggo Ultrarock “Cannonball” GiveAway Enter Today
#Contest Win 0 in the Toggo Ultrarock “Cannonball” GiveAway  Enter Today

#Interview Randy Jones “Still Making Noise” #HardTimes #VillagePeople #Cowboy By Eileen Shapiro

The achievement of having a song chart on Billboard is enormously prodigious in itself, however celebrating a hit on the charts approaching the eve of the 40th anniversary of the first time you appeared on the charts ever, is triumphant. Randy Jones,

#Interview Randy Jones “Still Making Noise” #HardTimes #VillagePeople #Cowboy By Eileen Shapiro
#Interview Randy Jones “Still Making Noise”  #HardTimes #VillagePeople #Cowboy By Eileen Shapiro

#MusicVideo EchoSmith #CoolKids #GeeksRule #GeeksAreTheCoolKids #BeWhoYouAre

Hey everyone, hope life is great for each of you….I was listening to this song Cool Kids by EchoSmith, and I have always loved it…as most of you know, I am OLD lol….I love all the cool things from my youth still

#MusicVideo EchoSmith #CoolKids #GeeksRule #GeeksAreTheCoolKids #BeWhoYouAre
#MusicVideo  EchoSmith #CoolKids #GeeksRule #GeeksAreTheCoolKids #BeWhoYouAre
#jimmystarshow #guest Liz Baxter To Guest On The Jimmy Star Show With Ron Russell Wednesday August 9th, 2017
#jimmystarshow #guest Liz Baxter To Guest On The Jimmy Star Show With Ron Russell Wednesday August 9th, 2017