‘Married to Medicine’ Star Dr. Simone Whitmore Says Bravo Show Helped Save Her Marriage

‘Married to Medicine’ Star Dr. Simone Whitmore Says Bravo Show Helped Save Her Marriage

Dr. Simone Whitmore is not afraid to say how she feels. This is true whether it’s dealing with the other strong-minded ladies of Married to Medicine or within the ever-changing dynamic of the household. It’s a trait that has carried her through during the last decade on the Bravo reality series.

For Season 10, one of the show’s longest-tenured OGs has found her husband Cecil isn’t on the same page when it comes to their sons Michael and Miles. Whitmore is tired of the coddling and feeling of entitlement felt by the boys. She wants her nest empty, which may mean giving a little bit more tough love. However, Cecil might be standing in the way of that causing a clash of parenting styles. If that weren’t enough, the board-certified OBGYN may be in the middle of a civil war brewing among the fellow ladies.

Here Whitmore reflects on her time on the series and what new additions Lateasha “Sweet Tea” Lunceford and Phaedra Parks.

This is season 10. In the television industry, a huge milestone. What’s it like being there from the beginning? 

Dr. Simone Whitford: First off, I’m proud of my show for being able to stay on the air. I love my show. I love my ladies on the show. The first year I could never imagine that we would still film. To be able to have such a great production company that edits and puts us in a way that makes us very proud. It has been an interesting journey. It has not been perfect. There was a year or two where filming emotionally was hard as I went through challenges with my husband. But it is this show and this platform that helped save my marriage. For me, it is nothing short of a blessing to be on the show and have a group of ladies who genuinely care about me and my marriage.

Married to Medicine - Season 10 - Toya Bush-Harris, Phaedra Parks, Lateasha Mayo, Dr. Simone Whitmore, Dr. Jacqueline Walters, Dr. Heavenly Kimes, Quad Webb

MARRIED TO MEDICINE — Season:10 — Pictured: (l-r) Toya Bush-Harris, Phaedra Parks, Lateasha Mayo, Dr. Simone Whitmore, Dr. Jacqueline Walters, Dr. Heavenly Kimes, Quad Webb — (Photo by: Phylicia J. L. Munn/Bravo)

What have you learned from your time about yourself? 

One of the things being on a reality show for this long and seeing myself, I’ve been able to do some self-reflection. I’ve learned over the years that I’m so petty, but I’m growing and learning how to come out of holding grudges and not being so petty. I’ve watched these ladies grow and evolve too. The fact that we’ve been able to have conflicts and be able to come back from these conflicts is just so important in life. Hopefully, our fans are taking a page out of our book and learning from that as well.

How is it having Phaedra and “Sweet Tea” join the cast along with Dr. Alicia Egolum? They have certainly made their presence felt right out of the gate. 

Phaedra was a pleasant surprise to the group. She came in and was pleasant and made people like me step up their fashion game, but she has been surprisingly positive. She is not shady. She keeps a lot of her little opinions to herself. I look forward to getting to know her on a personal level and hearing those thoughts and opinions because I know she has them. Just having her around. She is educated. She is smart. She is fun. It has been a welcome addition to the group. Lateasha is our baby of the group. She has a good personality. She is her authentic self. I like that about her. She is also unaffected by the cameras and fame. It will be interesting to watch her grow, develop, and change over the years.

There was a moment during Lateasha’s pamper party when she pretty much broke down. You were the one who pulled her aside and helped her through that. Why did you feel that was important to do? 

I think that first of all, it had to be a stressful time in her life. Planning a wedding, being a new bride, moving to a new city, taking on a new job, and hanging out with a new group of ladies who are as tough, opinionated, and aggressive as we are. Also, filming a reality TV show all at the same time. That had to be an overwhelming amount of stress to be dealing with at one time. I‘m sure she underestimated how stressful this time would be. I just felt bad for her in that moment. I thought it was inappropriate that the event planner called and was so focused on the money. I’m glad she was able to get through it.

What was your reaction to Quad [Webb] coming through that night? 

When I first saw her, I was shocked. She looked amazing, hair, makeup, dress. All of that was on point. Then I caught myself thinking, “Well, it’s not really appropriate.” It was good to see her because I hadn’t seen her in a while. But not appropriate for her to be here.

How do you think she handled things with Heavenly[Kimes] by taking her off the guest list? 

I think it hurt Lateasha’s feelings that Heavenly would say out loud that she didn’t think her marriage was going to last. It was extremely hurtful. I think Heavenly was inappropriate to say that out loud during the bachelorette party. I think “Sweet Tea” was well within her rights to scratch Heavenly off the guest list.

You and Cecil seem to have different parenting approaches when it comes to the kids. How is it weathering this conflict this season? 

Cecil and I have been on different pages with our boys basically for years. We just have different parenting styles, but it’s hard raising boys to become young men. I’m at a stage in life where I’m ready to put my foot down, get them out of our financial basket, and focus on retirement. I’m at that age. Cecil is like la la la. Let the boys figure it out on their own. I want to strangle him and them, but I’m not strong enough [laughs]. It’s always tough when we have different views, film, and then talk about those views without things falling apart right in front of the camera. Cecil and I are in such a good space in our marriage. Disagreements come along. It’s a part of life. We’ve been married for 27 years. They are part of the package.

Dr. Simone Whtmore and Cecil

Dr. Simone Whitmore/Instagram

Did you think Cecil behaved while watching Dr. Gregory’s bachelor party? 

Well based on editing he did.

Did you ask Bravo for the uncensored part? 

[Laughs] You know what? Spare me the details.

With Miles going to film school and you on TV, has he gotten experience behind the camera? 

Yes, he has gotten opportunities to do that. Some of our production crew have been helping him get those opportunities. He has always loved movies since a toddler. As a three-year-old, he sat down and watched the entire Muhammad Ali movie with Will Smith. He has been fascinated by film his whole life. To see him go to school for film in college, even though I need him to hurry up and finish college. To see him majoring in film and saying this is his dream and goal. We just have to see if he will live it out.

What can you say about your story on the show coming up? 

You’re going to see our story evolve more with the boys. Pushing them toward manhood. With the ladies, our dynamic is interesting. You will come to a point in the season where you’re going to have to decide if some of us are right with our approach in dealing with our friendships and some of us are wrong.

Married to Medicine, Sundays, 9/8c, Bravo

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